Girls Teenagers with cancer don't really fit into a kids group or an adult group. You are too old for a pediatrician never mind a pediatric cancer group full of little kids. You are too young to be treated as an adult because you aren't able to make your own medical decisions or, if you are 18 or 19, all of a sudden HAVE to make your own decisions.Also, as a teenager, doctors ask embarrassing questions about bodily functions you wish everyone would ignore and then there are all these people who look at your body. When I had my thyroid cancer surgery, I remember waking up in a different johnny than I had gone into surgery with. This meant people had seen me naked! How appalling! So, Why not self exam your breast..... Review this site!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Breast Cancer Risks - Breast Cancer Videos - breast cancer free dvd

Breast cancer risks are important information that every women should know since this disease is one of the most common cancers found in women. One risk is having thyroid disease. In an Italian report, it was shown that about 50% of the women in the study who developed the disease had thyroid conditions which were not yet diagnosed. These included three distinct thyroid disorders: Goiter, Hashimoto's, and sub-acute thyroiditis. Subclinical and sub-optimal hypothyroidism were not included in this study. This study may suggest that doctors ought to test their thyroid patients for cancer, which might help with early detection and preventive measures. It also shows that a lack of iodine may be an easily reversed breast cancer risk.

Obesity and becoming overweight are also breast cancer risks. After menopause, there is a 1.5 times the risk for the illness in obese women compared to women at a healthy weight. Other studies show that thousands of deaths per year in American women over 50 who have cancer might have been avoided if the women had maintained a lower weight. Overweight women also have higher levels of estrogen in their bodies. High levels of estrogen can stimulate estrogen sensitive tissues in obese women, causing rapid growth of estrogen-responsive breast tumors.

Another risk for overweight women is the later detection of tumors. It is harder to the problem in heavy women than it is in thin women. Where the excess body fat is located also becomes a risk. A large amount of abdominal fat gives a woman a greater breast cancer risk than those with fat distributed over the hips, backside, and legs.

Genetics play a huge role in breast cancer risks. If your mother had the disease, you are much more likely to develop it than someone who has no family history of breast cancer. Additional family members with cancer increase your own likelihood of having it as well. There are many studies in genetics that may cause cancer and the way the genes affect children of those who have breast cancer.

It has also been shown that smoking causes increased risk. There have been studies showing that smoking can increase the risk of breast cancer as much as 59 percent. Because cancer can be dormant for several years, controlling our lifestyle can help prevent or minimize the chances of developing the disease. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting the thyroid checked and quitting smoking, in addition to eating healthy foods, taking proper exercise, and getting regular checkups are all ways of minimizing breast cancer risks.

P.S. Orr has been writing articles for 6 years on a variety of topics of interest including natural health issues. Come visit the latest product information website at which helps people find the best deals on latex foam pillows and more information about natural latex bedding essentials.

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All About Breast Cancer
Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Videos
breast cancer free dvd
Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Research
Help Women w/ Cancer
Breast Cancer Symptoms

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